COVID-19 Media Mentions and Publications: Marianne Touchie, civil engineering specialized in sustainable building design

Marianne Touchie

  1. Academic publication: Case study: A survey of perceived noise in Canadian multi-unit residential buildings to study long-term implications for widespread teleworking (Building Acoustics, February 9, 2021)
  2. Academic publication: Moving online: reflections from conducting system dynamics workshops in virtual settings (System Dynamics Review, December 1, 2020)
  3. Five U of T Engineering professors on how they’re preparing for an unprecedented back to Skule™ (U of T Engineering News // U of T CivMin NewsU of T ECE News, U of T MIE News, August 27, 2020)
  4. Latest COVID-19 research: Acoustic comfort (U of T CivMin News, April 21, 2020)